Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A few sentences isn't going to allay my suspicions.

WND AT THE WHITE HOUSE'No EU in U.S.'Tony Snow responds to warnings about North American superstate
Posted: July 12, 20062:00 p.m. Eastern
By Les KinsolvingĀ© 2006
Presidential press secretary Tony Snow yesterday emphatically stated that there would be no "EU in the U.S." when asked about administration efforts to more closely integrate state relations between Canada, Mexico and the U.S.
As WorldNetDaily reported, some critics of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America have said the program, though supposedly beneficial to the U.S., will lead to a North American superstate similar to the European Union, open borders, loss of sovereignty and even a common currency.
WND asked Snow about the criticism, stating, "As WorldNetDaily's lead story pointed out yesterday, critics are expressing concerns about the president's cooperative efforts with Mexico and Canada regarding the Security and Prosperity Partnership. And my question: Will the president categorically deny any interest in building a European Union-style superstate in North America?"
Responded Snow: "Of course, no. We're not interested. There is not going to be an EU in the U.S."

Now the apologists are going to come out in full force and viscously attack anyone who doubts the intentions of the Bush administration and its goals for an American union as a crack pot conspiracy nut. I can already see it happening. But I for one will continue to question the motives of this transparently globalist administration. A good step toward ending my fears would be to seal the border and end this treasonous talk of a guest worker program to flood the country with foreigners who don't have any allegiance to the constitution, like Bush, and don't want to be American citizens. Talk by your press secretary is one thing. You acutally mentioning it and fielding questions, more than one, would possiby move me toward believeing you. But after all the lies and obfuscations that you have presented on a gilded platter made out of Chinese bought silver and served by an Illegal Alien waiter, I don't much believe anything you say anymore. Saying you're a conservative is also high on my list. Maybe actaully deploying the piddly 6000 national guardman would help too.

Look at all of Jerome Corsi's and Worldnetdaily articles on the SPP. Tony Snow's word just isn't cutting it.


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