Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ron Paul with more of his usual greatness

Wonderful 14th amendment, how we worship you. The 14th amendment, which is accepted as unratified among people who believe that the rule of law isn't an extension of military power and proof that what the Confederates said the Yankees were going to do they did, has been a boon to those who have long sought to subvert our constitutuion even further than the lengths which they already have. The latest incarnation of this despicable piece of ( I can't call it law) , is the interpretation that just being born on our soil makes one an automatic united states citizen. Only a supreme court justice could come up with this interpretation. People who can't see into the souls of documents, as the sainted robed ones can, left with only their meager ability to read and comprehend, would not and could not come up with this interpretation. This being the case one would assume that this ( I can't call it law) would have been jettisoned long ago. Alas it is not and will not be. Ron Paul is the only person in congress with a measure of truth as to this country's founding and laws and is going to do what he can to see that this interpretation is changed.

Here's an excerpt from an article he has written.

No other wealthy, western nations grant automatic citizenship to those who simply happen to be born within their borders to non-citizens. These nations recognize that citizenship involves more than the physical location of one’s birth; it also involves some measure of cultural connection and allegiance. In most cases this means the parents must be citizens of a nation in order for their newborn children to receive automatic citizenship.
Make no mistake, Americans are happy to welcome immigrants who follow our immigration laws and seek a better life here. America is far more welcoming and tolerant of newcomers than virtually any nation on earth. But our modern welfare state creates perverse incentives for immigrants, incentives that cloud the issue of why people choose to come here. The real problem is not immigration, but rather the welfare state magnet.
Hospitals bear the costs when illegal immigrants enter the country for the express purpose of giving birth. But illegal immigrants also use emergency rooms, public roads, and public schools. In many cases they are able to obtain Medicaid, food stamps, public housing, and even unemployment benefits. Some have fraudulently collected Social Security benefits.
Of course many American citizens also use or abuse the welfare system. But we cannot afford to open our pocketbooks to the rest of the world. We must end the perverse incentives that encourage immigrants to come here illegally, including the anchor baby incentive.
I’ve introduced legislation that would amend the Constitution and end automatic birthright citizenship. The 14th amendment was ratified in 1868, on the heels of the Civil War. The country, especially the western territories, was wide open and ripe for homesteading. There was no welfare state to exploit, and the modern problems associated with immigration could not have been imagined.
Our founders knew that unforeseen problems with our system of government would arise, and that’s precisely why they gave us a method for amending the Constitution. It’s time to rethink birthright citizenship by amending the 14th amendment.

Thank God for Ron Paul. If it wasn't for him there wouldn't be any one on the Potomac who would represent the constitution and our founders ( outside of a sound bite before an upcoming election).


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