Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Conservative? What's that? It isn't what it used to be.

It is ironic that such "conservatives" argue that illegal immigration is good for the American economy, given that they are theoretically adherents of Adam Smith's capitalism, which states, among many other things, the Law that as supply goes up, that price must go down, given constant demand. One would have to be a serious sophist indeed to miss the application of that law to labor prices, which have declined more than 16 percent while 30 million legal and illegal immigrants have entered the country and provided that price-suppressing supply of which Mr. Smith speaks so highly.
So, the economy is healthier while Americans are making less money. Pro-immigration economists will point out that household income is higher, but this is only because more married women are working than in 1973, the year real wage rates peaked. It is interesting to note that these "conservative" commentators are therefore defending a practice which is directly linked to the profoundly non-conservative value of removing mothers from their children.
No doubt the next thing these "conservatives" will be championing is government-funded day care.
It's also remarkable to mark how poorly the so-called conservative commentariat seems to understand its principles. For example, Mark Alexander wrote on TownHall, while complaining of how the president had failed conservatives domestically:
As the titular head of the Republican Party, President George W. Bush has distinguished himself as a conservative when it comes to foreign policy ...
But as real conservatives once said of a Reichsfuhrer, circa 1933, "tell me one thing he wanted to conserve?"
There is nothing inherently conservative about a willingness to wage war. Indeed, the presidents responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War were all Democrats of a distinctly liberal – in the modern American sense – stripe.
And Jorge's jihad for democracy isn't conservative in the slightest – it is Woodrow Wilsonism gone mad and transferred from Europe to the Middle East. Interestingly enough, some of the current World Democratic Revolutionists have strong links to Trotsky's World Socialist Revolution, which raises some real questions about just who, precisely, is zooming who?
It is time for conservatives to abandon their allegiance to the Republican Party, which in its tripartite power has revealed itself to be far from the party of freedom and small government it billed itself to be when it claimed the presidency in 1980. Yes, this means that the Democrats will win in 2008, which they are sure to do anyhow when the Elder Gods of the Inner Circle dig up the corpse of Bob Dole, rename him and offer him as a sacrifice to the Lizard Queen.

There are no conservatives anymore. I can say such with a clean conscience. The only real conservatives are in the Southern movement or battling in other states to regain the freedom and separation of powers before the Lincoln and Wilson revolutions. Joseph Farrah once said he didn't find anything redeeming in the term conservative, but the word revolutionary is more akin to his current political creed. If only we had more revolutionaries, we wouldn't have so many of these damn conservatives promoting undying fealty to the state.


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