Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Just another in a long list

This article, "Politics Should Be Local" by Jeff Adams is just another in a long line. Of what? Of articles that shouldn't have to be written.

Part of the genius of how the framers of the U.S. Constitution set things up was that the Constitution divided and dispersed authority and power. By creating a limited, bottom-up form of government that left the majority of power in the hands of the member states of the union, elected officials were more accountable to those whom they represented. The late Tip O’Neill, former Speaker of the House, was famous for saying, "All politics is local." While in a sense this was true, it doesn’t seem so today. Over time, our form of government has been literally turned on its head. We have an ever-centralizing, top-down government that claims unlimited authority and power. Elected representatives appear to view themselves as unaccountable to those they are supposed to represent (the citizens of their district, state, county, city, etc., that vote), and seem to represent special interests that finance their campaigns and lifestyles. So what to do about this?

Every child who attends those government schools is taught, because even though they try so damn hard to hide the fact, our country was founded on the principles of smaller, localized government. You just can't spin the American Revolution to have the Colonials fighting for a strong federal government. It just ain't possible. Hell, even when as young as I was the first time I heard about The Articles of Confederation, I knew the basic premise of our government. All states are separate, and plan on staying that way. It is a sad indictment of the failure of the United States government that articles like this fine piece by Mr. Adams must be written. If we were true to our laws and our founding, we would find pieces like this in an encylopedia. Not a book on ancient history and these united states wouldn't be in the dire straits we were forced into by those who bend and break the laws in Washington DC.

And take this poll all you Southern patriots. It may help us drill some sense into the scalawags who are our current representatives.


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