Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hate Not Heritage

Heritage Not Hate and Hate not Heritage

Heritage Not Hate

We’ve all seen Confederate Battle Flags defiled by the disclaimer “Heritage not Hate” flying across Dixie since God knows when. This disclaimer is offensive to me as a Southerner on so many levels, and the people who sport it are a bigger detriment to the continuation of Southern culture and honor than ole’ Morris Dees and his SPLC. I can’t fathom a reason men and women fly this flag excepting that they’ve bought into the guilt trip that has been brought to bear on us like a million Yankee battalions. This flag points the finger at your brother and does not alleviate the perceptions of those you wish to influence. For instance, if I am for “heritage not hate” my brother there with Battle Flag flying proudly and unsullied must be for something else; you see, he is the one for hate, and I am not like him, I have a disclaimer. Now those who fly the HNH flag probably do not think they are expressing that opinion, but they most certainly are. Right doesn’t need a disclaimer.
Heritage not Hate also denotes surrender and acceptance of the cultural pathos of the repentant. Only one who bought into the argument that the Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol of oppression and racism, as our liberal enemies oft chant, could fly this dubious flag. A proud Confederate would never allow it. James Edwards who directs the radio program The Political Cesspool and his motto, “No retreat, No surrender, No apologies,” is a perfect example of a man who does not buy into the false notion of a racial war to preserve slavery. No apologies. Never bend an inch because if you do you’ve already lost. If you begin to let into your mind that our Confederate ancestry is just a novelty, needs to atone for sins of the 60’s, both 18 and 19, or is actually tainted but needs to fly just to preserve history, because we are all American now, you’ve already lost the battle. We have too many of the Save the SCV crowd in our midst, and they give more ammunition to our enemies to bombard us with. All Confederates must take the hard stance which is both needed and demanded. No Confederate apologizes, and no man apologizes for defending his home and fighting for his freedom.
The Heritage Not Hate flag also detracts from the universal declaration of The Confederate Battle Flag. The only flag in the world which flies in the face of centralization and tyranny is our beloved Confederate Battle Flag. There is no other like it and it doesn’t need a disclaimer. The Heritage Not Hate flag is the flag of the civil war. Our untarnished Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of The War for Southern Independence.

Hate Not Heritage

The Confederate Battle flag is also a flag of hate, but not directed toward the black race. The Confederate Battle Flag stands for hatred of leviathan, usurpers and tyrants, total war, centralizers, internationalists, communists, those who believe they have a right to take what is ours and reserve if for themselves or give it to another, corruption, the abuse of the constitution, a brave new world, and the enemies of self determination. And until another flag comes along that embodies those virtues of hatred, I’ll be flying mine high without a disclaimer, because my heritage means more than just where I’ve come from; my heritage directs where I am going.

Jeremy J. Luzier

Please weigh in on the "Heritage Not Hate " flag in the comments section.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thoughtful post. So many of our Southern brethern display only a semblance of their true heritage.

I agree we have be riddled with guilt manipulation, and therefore feel we must apologize for our mere exisitence. Keep fighting the good fight, and any friend of the Poli-Pool, is a friend of mine!

9:27 AM  

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