Friday, May 26, 2006

If Some People Could Bring Themselves to Admit This

We Would Be Faring Far Better
Alan Stang writes:
As I write, the treason Senate – under intense pressure from Communist world government traitor Smirk W. Bush – is preparing to pass the legislation that will legalize the present invasion of these United States. So here let me repeat something I have said many times, which nevertheless deserves repetition even more because it is so little mentioned, even by our friends.
The goal of the conspirators from the beginning has been to submerge and dissolve our country in a totalitarian socialist world government they would run.
Republicans can't seem to wrap their mind around this little concept, even with the mounting evidence and the brazen SPP orchestrated by the NWO and the implementation by Mexico's president Bush; mentioning this will have you branded as a crazy conspiracy theory loon. This is regardless of the fact that when something is out in the open and rubbed in your face it is no longer a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy fact.
The new Communist invasion law will expand the process, adding millions upon millions of illegal aliens to those already here, overloading our hospitals, our schools, our courts and other facilities, draining our paychecks, but far more important than anything else, reducing our standard of living and changing our culture along with our population. Of course you don’t need me to tell you this. Simply look around. Habla español? No? Well, you had better learn, compadre.
The plan is that after a while the merger will not seem so bizarre. Would you not agree that by now the idea already seems less incredible? Remember that, as we speak, about 10% of the population of Mexico lives in these united States. The Communist legislation coming out of conference committee will intrude the millions we have mentioned. After a while, you rednecks will be irrelevant. You already are close to a minority.
All of this answers the question of why the Senate votes Communist despite a literal firestorm of disagreement from their constituents, even from stalwart supporters of the Republicrud Party who at last feel disgust. With a few exceptions, your Senator is the best legislator corporate America could buy. For that America, an honest legislator is a legislator who stays bought. When Hitler and Mussolini married government and business, we called it Fascism.
Most Americans don't remember how trendy fascism was before WWII; then we fought the fascists and couldn't praise them anymore. It must have been a hard blow for Roosevelt to take. There has never been a fan of fascism as ardent as Roosevelt.
Some years ago, Steve Symms, then a U. S. Senator from Idaho, who retired too soon, said in a speech that Americans peaceably solve problems in the jury box. If that fails, they go to the ballot box. But is that fails, said Senator Symms, they go to the bullet box. My fear is that the pressure will intensify, and that someone who is threatened by the invaders will fire the second shot heard ‘round the world, which would give Communist Bush the excuse for the martial law he wants.
By invoking the Executive Orders already in place, he could take direct control of everything in this country, including every human being. You couldn’t eat, live, drive, talk, even walk without his permission. The merger would be complete. And it would all be legal. Would martial law be the whack upside the head that would finally awaken the American people? Nothing else has worked.
It was Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev, who many years ago at the Communist UN in New York, expressed his amazement at the depth of naiveté of the American people. Khrushchev exclaimed, “These Americans! You can spit in their face and they call it dew!” My guess is that today he would marvel even more.

I wouldn't worry about President Bush declaring martial law, he's lost enough 'political capital' to end that fear. It is the democrat president who will undoubtedly follow him that we must worry about. Strike that, it doesn't matter who is in the White house. Fascism crosses party lines today. We'll keep getting the same until we really do something about it. Faxing you senators and congressmen isn't really doing anything about it at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It much worse than this. They are destroying the fabric of our nation, the ethnic and cultrual intgrity that once held it so formly in place.

People from other nations/ races don't share our values and see us as a threat. There is a determined attempt at eliminating any Anglo-Saxon European influences from this country.

1:17 PM  

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