Thursday, June 08, 2006

Look an Elephant!

Cultural Politics: The Art of Misdirection

Americans had a good thing going for the last few weeks. After years of denial and obfuscation by those on capitol hill, the immigration debate finally found itself front and center thanks to the tireless efforts of the people. We were being heard by congressmen and senators alike (a few senators) and the issue just wouldn’t go away no matter how many times we were told that we must have ‘comprehensive’ immigration reform. The debate is silent for the time being.
What happened? We were going to them hard as hell fire.Once again the weasels pulled a switch on us. A gay marriage amendment was thrust front and center by politicians who knew that nothing of the sort was going to pass; it was never intended to pass. The gay marriage debate was put out there just to shut up that hard right base which believes those we send to the hill have to actually serve our will. For the next few days you’ll hear about how homophobic the republicans are and how out of touch the democrats are, you won’t hear much about immigration save by those few like who have been on the issue since before it was an issue.
This is a definite trend. Whenever the political elites feel threatened by the wrath of the people they throw out some ridiculous social issue for the populace to destroy themselves over; it’s business as usual. I look to see abortion forcing its way onto the scene in the near future. Maybe it will be over spending, or an un-winnable war. The issue doesn’t matter. The misdirection is important.
It’s not always social issues either. Iraq boogeyman Al-Zarqawi was just killed. Isn’t that convenient? The war hasn’t been looking too good of late and military generals are calling it un-winnable and a big mistake. Never fear, Bush has an answer. We’ve killed Al-Zarqawi. Sure took a long time. Saddam too. But don’t you worry. The war is going great. Al-Zarqawi is dead. Al-Zarqawi is dead. Gay marriage is coming. Al-Zarqawi is…………What ever happened to immigration?


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