Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Me oh Meyera

Meyera Oberndorf, the mayor of Virginia Beach, Virginia and my home town, spoke up on the issue of the border and immigration today at a conference of 200 mayors. From quotes littered on the page I can definitely say that these mayors belong in the senate.

Mayors from more than 200 U.S. cities urged President Bush and Congress on Monday to pass comprehensive immigration reform, including a guest worker program, but they could not agree on a proposal to build a 300-mile fence along the border.

I guess the senate doesn't have a monopoly on tired old lines though they do their very best.

Critics said the fence would harm relations between the U.S. and Mexico.
Virginia Beach, Va., Mayor Meyera Oberndorf said the fence would be "un-American."
"We've always had open borders between Mexico and Canada, and we think that's just where it ought to stay," Oberndorf said at the group's meeting in Las Vegas.

Fences are un-American. Sovereignty is un-American. Border security is un-American. The Mayor's conference is un-American. Meyera did leak this juicy little tidbit, "We've always had open borders between Mexico and Canada."

I don't even want to respond to that. I'll just sit here agog.

The mayors did get autographs from the senators to put them in their scrap book before going to bed and dreaming about being a seantor tonight. They even found time to put forth a resolution tot the senate.

The resolution opposing the fence was submitted by Laredo, Texas, Mayor Elizabeth Flores, Miami Mayor Manuel Diaz and Albuquerque, N.M., Mayor Martin Chavez.
It urged the Senate to "ask itself if the expense and symbolism of such a proposed fence can possibly be worth the misunderstandings it will create between the United States and Mexico."

Symbolism is what is important. It's not minor concerns like crime or disease or other of the side effects of the invasion. Symbolism is what is important in society and how it is defined. Every mayor knows that.

Sam LaGrone, mayor of Roswell, N.M., said more needs to be done to stop the flow of drugs such as methamphetamine.
"The amount of meth that is coming across our borders is absolutely ruining so many families in our border states," LaGrone said. "This is an issue that definitely in my opinion should be left to the Border Patrol."

I'm glad to see my tax money going toward building a brighter future by sending these sycophants to a mayors conference. The only good thing that came out of this meeting was the lack of mayors around the country. I know Meyera didn't do anything worse then get wined and dined and taking in a show today. The people were safe. And if I am not mistaken, this is the same conference where NY mayor Bloomburg was trying to create a fear of guns with the intent of disarming us all.


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