Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Only Way to have Government Act on an Issue

Not Paying Them Their Ill Gotten Loot
DERBY, England, May 31 (UPI) -- A Derby, England, retiree faces jail for refusing to pay taxes until the city cleans up her drug- and prostitution-infested neighborhood, a report said.
While Josephine Rooney's neighborhood was one of Derby's most desirable areas 20 years ago, today it is filled with boarded-up buildings, drug dealers, prostitutes and immigrants, she said.
So Rooney, 69, has refused to pay nearly $1,500 in taxes in protest of the city council's refusal to help her neighborhood.
Rooney's refusal to pay could land her in jail for three months.
"I am prepared to go to prison annually until I see a reversal of policy on our street," Rooney told the London Telegraph.
Members of the Derby council said a plan already is under way to improve Rooney's neighborhood in the central England town.
A plan is under way. I've heard that before. Maybe they'll create a dialogue and call it an accomplishment. Whatever the case may be, the only way to get governments attention is to stop paying them. Maybe that's why we're not gaining any ground on this immigration issue.


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