Friday, June 09, 2006

The disease of Multiculturalism

A wonderful post from The Confederate Christian:

Rather, it is this philosophy that has captured those who truly respect the diversity of race and culture which God himself bestowed upon the world. Traditionally here in the South, we have recognized and honored the various cultures of the world. But MC as it imposes itself on us today, seeks to destroy any semblance of diversity among people, and to amalgamate us all into one big "melting pot". The White Christian West, and particularly the South, are ostensibly held responsible and bear the guilt for having climbed on the backs of others (other races) in order to get where we are. And as a result we are now obligated to acknowledge and owe a portion of our wealth and prosperity to those whom we've "wronged". MC seeks to be the means by which minority people come here to claim what is "rightly" theirs.
Is this not the promise to millions of illegal aliens within our boarders today? "Just show up, we'll take care of you." There is a sense in which this presumed guilt has so infected the minds of white America that it has become the death of our own culture. Like I mentioned, almost every institution here in the West has already bent the knee to MC. How has this served our people? How has it honored our forefathers? It hasn't. And it won't unless and until we take back what is ours. We have to remove this false veil of guilt, and begin to redeem our own inherited way of life.

Make sure to read the whole post.


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